Curriculum Vitae


Personal information



Dr. Andreas HEJJ, born April 12th 1956 in Zirc, Hungary


Professional Career



Full Professor, Head of Department, University of Pécs

   from 2008

Member of the PhD Board Society and Education


Member of the Senate of the University of Pécs in two cylcles

Scientific evaluation

PhD-Council of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (publications, citations, successful PhD students)

Member of the Scientific Committee for Education of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Teaching evaluation

Golden Cathedra Prize for Teaching Excellence (2016), Ranking among all teaching faculty, Detailed opinions

since 1984

Lecturer of Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology and Education of the Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich

      since 1999

Extraordinary Professor of Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education, University of Munich

1982 - 1984

Part-time teacher at the Secondary Grammar School Dr. Überreiter in Munich


International teaching assignments and visiting professorships


    since 2020 

Teaching assignment and committee-head for the final exam at the Ludovika University of Public Service Budapest (Expert for public communication)

    since 2020 

Teaching assigment at the Faculty of Education of the University of Sopron (Evolutionary psychology)

    since 2018 

Teaching assigment at the Medical School of the University of Pécs (Bordering areas of anatomy)


Appointed professor of the University of Nicosia


Erasmus visiting professor at the Institute of Adult Education of the University of Klagenfurt


Erasmus visiting professor at the Faculty of Education, University of Kaunas


Erasmus visiting professor at the University of Arts of Neumarkt, Transylvania


Erasmus visiting professor at the Department of Psychology of the Catholic University of Leuven

2001 - 2005

Contracted professor for Psychology and Research Methods at the University of Bolsano in Bressanone

2000 - 2001

Acting Chair of Educational Psychology at the Institute of Psychology of the University of Hildesheim

1999 - 2000

Visiting professor for Media Education at the University of Innsbruck

1998 - 1999

Visiting professor for Educational Psychology at the University of Passau

1996 - 1997

Acting Chair in Psychology at the College of Education in Freiburg


Position offered as Senior Lecturer in Psychology at the Department of Psychology of the University of Hertfordshire

1995 - 1996

Visiting professor for Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Zurich


Visiting professor for Developmental Psychology at the Institute of Education of the University of Latvia, Riga

1989 - 1995

Communication and Social Psychology at the Senior Civil Servants' College, Faculty of Social Administration in Munich






Dr. Hejj received his Habilitation (Prerequisite qualification for a university chair - Dr. phil. habil.) (Thesis: The challenges of early adulthood: Gender specific cognitions of profession, mate-selection and nationality)


Was awarded a PhD (Dr. phil. [magna cum laude]) (Thesis: Is attitude a one-dimensional rating? - On validating multidimensional subjective spaces of representation)

1984 - 1988

PhD studies at the University of Munich. Major: Psychology, Minors: Psychopathology and English Psycho- and Sociolinguistics


University Graduate (Dipl.-Psych. [Predicate: very good. Major: clinical psychology] Thesis done at the Max-Planck-Institute for Psychological Research (The structure of the semantic field "Mammals" in relation to subjects' age, knowledge and instructions)

1979 - 1984

Studies at the University of Munich (Psychology) During my studies I was a scholarship holder of the Institute for the Gifted of the Konrad-Adenauer Foundation


Internship in youth psychology in Readfield, Maine, U.S.A. (May – Sept)

1976 - 1977

Studies at the University of Szeged (Hungarian and English majors)


High school graduation [Advanced Levels] at the Fazekas Mihály Grammar School in Budapest

1962 - 1975

Schooling at various English schools in Ghana and Nigeria due to my father's work in foreign aid
- 1971
University of London GCE (General Certificate of Education) Ordinary Levels


International research projects


since 2008

Cross validation of inter-group cognitions for the alleged causes and cures of tension between Hungarians and Gipsies

2001 - 2003

Research project to compare pupils' ability for social interaction and educational effectivity in two school-systems in Alto Adige, Italy: state school and Rudolph Steiner's Waldorf school. Development of an assessment centre fit for pupils


Pilot project on initiation and mediation in traditional societies [based on personal experience in men's houses in Papua New Guinea and Yap, Micronesia]: Applicability for multicultural society

1994 - 1996

Research project on the social significance of human odour communication (in co-operation with the Faculty of Medicine in Munich, Prof. E. Pöppel & Prof. R. Hudson)


Research project on communication in conflict in cultural comparison in Kenya


Research project in political psychology in the newly independent Baltic States and the disintegrating Soviet Union


Longitudinal study of the development of political cognition in the former GDR


Research project on cultural integration in the Republic of South Africa

1986 - 1987

Research on the subjective representation of Europe in Eastern, Western an non Europeans (conducted in Australia, Germany, Hungary, USA and Yugoslavia)


Further qualifications and activities


Research topics

Prof Hejj is an evolutionary psychologist; thus his research focuses on how our present-day behaviour, taste and preference is influenced by adaptations that used to secure the survival of thousands of generations of our ancestors. Hejj studied the effects of these adaptations in several cultures including Papua New Guinea, Micronesia and Ecuador for beauty, ralationship, education including initiation, as well as respect for the aged, and has lectured on these topics world-wide, both live and on TV. Hejj is co-founder of the international scientific organisation Human Behaviour from an Evolutionary Perspective (Kassel, 2000).

Language skills

Besides his Hungarian mother tongue he has nearly native speaker skills in English and German too, due to his growing up and schooling in English speaking countries and his university education and work of more than three decades in Germany. He acquired an advanced degree („Nivel superior“) language exam in Spanish 1996, but would need some brushing up prior to a serious application.
From his extensive travelling in over 160 countries around the entire world, his own film-documentation edited in mp4 is available from over 100 countries.

Professional membership


Gold-, Silver- and Bronze-medal at the Porec Dolphin Ocean Swim (5000 meters)


Constructed Genopoly©, a game didactically designed to get acquainted with the evolutionary mechanisms of communication in relationships

since 1996

Several PR-events / interviews in press, radio and TV since the publication of my book "Traumpartner - Evolutionspsychologische Aspekte der Partnerwahl" [Your dream partner - Evolutionary psychological aspects of mate selection] through Springer on mate selection, initiation in traditional societies and the promotion of social competence in western society


Research Co-ordinator of Mensa Intl.


Open Water Diving Instructor certified by PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors)


Qualification in psychotherapy at the Institute of Integrated Therapies, Munich