Contributions held at scientific conferences (a short selection)
Dunaújváros, 2023:
Neocapitalistic society and the anthropology of the abject
(The Sixth International Conference of the Wolfgang von Kempelen Eminent
Scientists' Society)
Cracow, 2023:
Factors influencing teachers' psychophysiological condition and behaviour
(The First International Conference on Teacher Change-Development. Keynote
Pécs, 2021: SZAGpszichológiai
[Stool - Remarks from the
psychology of olfaction]
(Stool in Science and Art. Lecture series of the Institute of Microbiology and
Immunology of the University of
[Initiation: The missing
element in the upbringing of Western youth]
(Matthias Corvinus Collegium for the Gifted)
[Kairos: The quality of time]
(Ceremonial Address at the Official Opening of the Academic Year 2019-20 of the University of
Sopron, 2019:
How school can foster creativity
(2nd Erasmus+ Conference and International Week on Early Childhood
[Psychological basics of
(Conference: Interdependence of Animal Torture and Violence against Humans at
the University for Veterinary Medicine Budapest)
Cracow, 2018:
Fear of getting old? Healthy and active aging
(2nd Nationwide Polish
Scientific Conference for Healthy and Active Aging at the Akademia Wychowania Fizycznego)
Sopron, 2018:
(Pre-) School climate and the joy of discovery
on pre-school at the Faculty of Education of the University of Sopron)
[The future of love]
(TEDx talk)
Cracow, 2017:
Value-based synergy in a globalized world - How can school prepare for
cooperation with extremely different cultures?
(International Scientific Conference "Synergy of Educational Environments -
Social Contexts of Education")
Cracow, 2017:
Hardly visible and depicted as dummies.
Seniors' negative media presence and the
dangerous dynamics of a self-fulfilling prophesy
("Seniors in Social and Media Space" First International Scientific Conferende
of the Visegrád Group Countries)
[Experiments with animals in psychology]
("Versatility of an Ethical Human-Animal-Relationship" Third Conference of the
Hungarian Society for Animal Protection and -Welfare at the Veterinary
Beregovo, 2016: Az igazi
fenntarthatóság az ember természetével szemben is fenntartható elvárásokra épül!
[Real sustainability can only
work if founded on expectations in accordance with human nature!]
(Keynote at the 12th Environmental Science Conference of the Carpathian Basin)
[Evolutionary aesthetics on
face value?]
(Keynote at the Conference Evolutionary Aesthetics)
(Manazment podnikov - Management of companies 2015)
Pécs, 2014: Szabadság vagy szerelem? A szingli-lét boldog(talan)ságáról.
or love? The (un-)happiness of single life]
(19th Psy-esta-Conference
of the Institute of Psychology of the University of Pécs)
Sarajevo, 2013: The resurrection of
democracy in the Baltic States
(24th Annual Conference of the Alliance of Universities for
Democracy (AUDEM))
Pécs, 2013: Ha Ámor nyila célba ér
[When Amor's arrow hits the bull's eye]
(Open University, UnivTV)
Beregovo, 2013: Nigeria revisited – 40 years of social transit in one of Africa’s richest
and poorest countries
(Transnational conference for the gifted)
Pécs, 2013: Lehet más a prezentáció -
Az izgalmas előadás titkairól
[Presentations can be different - Some of the secrets of an exciting
(Szentágothai Science
Budapest, 2012: The psychology of falling in love
(Keynote Speaker at the Annual Conference of Psychologists Psynapsis)
Pécs, 2011: Mielőtt
tizenkettőt üt - a suhanc. Hogyan segít az érzelmi intelligencia úrrá lenni az erőszak fölött
[Before the JD strikes
12. How emotional intelligence can help master violence]
(Invited lecture at the Law School of the
University of Pécs)
Pécs, 2011: Mikor figyel a diák? Egy kibernetikai
modell és a valóság
[When will the student pay attention? A cybernetic model and reality]
(Annual conference of the Regional Committee of
the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)
Dubrovnik, 2011: Bologna baloney –
University, an independent stronghold of free thinking since the Middle Ages, is in danger
(22nd annual conference of the Alliance of Universities for
Democracy (AUDEM))
Chemnitz, 2010: Wer ist
schuld? – Vermeintliche Gründe und Lösungen für die Spannungen zwischen Ungarn und Zigeunern
is to blame? – Alleged causes and cures for the
tension between Hungarians and Gypsies]
(Invited lecture at the Institute of Intercultural Communication of the University of Chemnitz)
Berlin, 2004: Depression Bewältigen
and overcoming depression]
(Presentation and discussion held at the public
theatre Urania)
Frankfurt am Main, 2001: Moderne Methoden im Arbeits-
und Gesundheitsschutz
[Modern methods in work and health protection]
(Conference in the Chamber of Industry and Trade,
Koblenz, 2001: Ist
Liebe Frauensache?
[Is loving a woman's domain?]
(Public lecture in co-operation with Senate's Committee for Gender
Issues at the University of Koblenz-Landau)
2000: Die Welt in unseren Köpfen
- Die Kunst kognitiven Kartierens
[Maps in minds - The art of cognitive mapping]
(Orientation - Matrei Conference on Interdisciplinary
Cultural Research)
Hildesheim, 2000: Fühlen
Frauen anders? Über die phylogenetischen
Wurzeln der kognitiven Strategien der Partnerwahl
[Do women
feel differently?]
(Public lecture organised by the University's Female Interests' Officer:
Do women feel differently?)
Matrei, 1999: Der Bedeutungswandel des deutschen
[Development of the meaning of the German "Michel"]
(Cultural development - Matrei Conference on
Interdisciplinary Cultural Research)
Schliersee, 1999: Evolution
- aus der Vergangenheit für die Zukunft.
Ihr Beitrag zu einem humaneren
Miteinander in der globalisierten
- out of the past for the future.
A contribution towards more human co-operation in a global mass society]
(Responsible organiser of the conference on behalf of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, opening lecture Educational
goal: Promoting the intelligence of the stone age)
[White, single seeks - The
world of singles] Chair of the work group Interpersonal Relationships
Conference of Experimental Psychologists, -TeaP)
[Evolutionary aspects of
school achievement]
Congress of the German Society for Educational Science)
[Across the border from the
(German Society for
Art and Psychopathology of Expression, DGPPA)
[The first time: Scripts we
have in our minds about a first date] Chair of the Study group "Gender differences"
(Conference of Experimental Psychologists, -TeaP)
Altenberg / Vienna,
1997: Abenteuer Heiratsmarkt:
Die stammesgeschichtlichen Wurzeln
der Kommunikation in Partnerschaften
[Making the mate
market: The evolutionary roots
of communication in relationships]
(Presentation and discussion
at the Konrad Lorenz
Institute for Evolutionary
and Cognitive Research)
Quito, 1997: Entre la Filosofia, la Medicina y las Ciencias Exactas - Qué es la Sicologia?
[Between philosophy, medicine and the exact
sciences - What is Psychology?]
(Presentation and discussion held in the Aula
of the Central University of Ecuador)
(Presentation and discussion at the
(Conference of the German Psychological Society, DGPs)
(International Society for Human Ethology, ISHE)
hedonic evaluation of gender-specific odours through homo- and heterosexuals]
(Conference of Experimental Psychologists,
word before love: A new paradigm
to prognosticate congeniality]
(Conference of Experimental Psychologists, -TeaP)
[What do Psychologists "learn"?
- Alterations in attitude towards neurosis in the course of studies]
(Conference of Experimental Psychologists, -TeaP)
subjective representation
(Conference of Experimental Psychologists, -TeaP)