
Genopoly© - a game for adults

Genopoly® (registered as mark number 399 35 535) is a didactic board game for the training of evolutionary theory. It has been developed in a series of seminars taught by Andreas Hejj, on the one hand on evolution and on the other on learning and teaching tools.

It is the aim of this unusual teaching aid to learn and become absorbed in vital strategies while playing a game. In the course of this game situations arise in which competing genes get involved. Successful coping with these situations does not only allow individual players to win the game, it also conveys comprehensive knowledge of evolutionary theory and an in-depth understanding of one’s motives of cooperation and competition. In a way Genopoly highlights some strategies of real life success.

The following is but an extract of the instructions of the game (Version 1). For a full version and if you are interested in the succeeding variants please contact the owner of the trade mark at

Abbreviated instructions

Genopoly is a complex game. In order to be able to apply the entire range of strategies and to enjoy full excitement, it is emphatically recommended that first-time players read the complete version of the instructions. The abbreviated instructions serve but to give a general idea.

Evolution defines an organism as successful if it has contributed to an adequate number of individuals based on copies of its genetic design, capable of survival and reproduction. Accordingly, individual players of Genopoly will try to get the most possible children in possession of those inherited properties they in turn need to be successful in the course of their lives.

The game is to be played clockwise!


  • To begin with players will elect a leader – „Fate“ -, who is also in charge of the property-pearls (cf. "3. Preparation of the game" in the detailed instruction).
  • To establish the gender each player will don, everyone will draw a piece out of the sachet (cf. "4. Attribution of gender").
  • The paw-of-pearls with the number corresponding to the figure drawn will be erected in front of the player. The basic disposition of the player – the colourful pearls – is to be established by casting the dice (cf. "5. Establishing the basic disposition of the players ").
  • Fate is the first one to begin and casts the dice. The number will determine the realm, on whose first field the player enters the game (cf. "6. Where do I begin").

Process of the game

Players will move their pieces clockwise according to the numbers thrown using a single dice
Upon arrival in a field,

·        the player is to pay alimony, if he* (*used throughout without implication of the biological sex of the player) is father of a minor and has crossed an alimony-field

·        the player has to observe the instructions of the field (cf. the following table)

·        if a piece of the same gender is already occupying the field: both players will play the fiend-or-friend-game (cf. "8. cooperation or competition")

  • if a piece of the opposite gender is already occupying the field: both players may decide to engage in a mating ritual (cf. "9. Look into my eyes, baby: having a baby").


Establishing the winner

  • When the clock reaches the time that had previously been agreed upon to quit playing, or
  • if all players are “dead due to overexertion” (cf. "19. Death")

it will be calculated for each player, how many of his properties he has succeeded in disseminating into the next generation. All scores of each of the five properties of all children alive parented by the player will be totalled. The winner is the player with the highest total score. Should two players have the same score, the winner is the one with children endowed with better properties (numbering less). Should two players have the same score and the same number of offspring, the winner is the one whose children unite combinations with more partners.





Table of the fields and their meanings






(if background is light: obligatory

if background is dark: up to player’s decision)




Exchange up to 3 property-pearls (cf. 10. "wonder-bar")



(well of youth)

Exchange an optional number of property-pearls for health (cf. "11. well of youth ")



(ski accident)

Surrender 3 health-pearls


Ganz schön gesund

(pretty healthy)

If you have less than 5 health pearls surrender 1 attractivity-pearl (cf. "12. pretty healthy")



(love field)

An opportunity to enter Orgiasticum (cf. "13. love fields") 




Cast your dice again. Compare yourself with: odd, your left fellow-player; even, your right fellow player. If you weigh more - receive 2 health-pearls




Fathers have to contribute 1 social competence + 1 perseverance (for each child 3 sets)



(love field)

An opportunity to enter Orgiasticum (cf. "13. love fields") 



(dancing school)

Dance forward all the way to field 20




Draw a destiny-card. Read it out and act on it! (cf. "14. destiny")



Address the owner of a piece of the opposite gender in the discotheque. If he likes your line, Fate will give you 1 pearl for social competence (cf. "16. Flirting")




Exchange up to 3 property-pearls (cf. 10. "wonder-bar")




Draw a destiny-card. Read it out and act on it! (cf. "14. destiny")



(well of youth)

Exchange an optional number of property-pearls for health (cf. "11. well of youth ")




If you have more than 6 intelligence-pearls – draw a lucky-card, otherwise a destiny-card



(general knowledge)

Name a famous person with the initial of your surname, who has not yet been named today (receive 1 intelligence-pearl, otherwise surrender 2 intelligence-pearls!)



(love field)

An opportunity to enter Orgiasticum (cf. "13. love fields") 



Take a break till your next turn!



(well of youth)

Exchange an optional number of property-pearls for health (cf. "11. well of youth ")




Draw a destiny-card. Read it out and act on it! (cf. "14. destiny")




Draw a lucky-card without showing it to the others. You may make use of it whenever you whish. (cf. "15. Luck”)



(medical check-up)

Should you have less than 5 attractivity-pearls, surrender 1 health-pearl (cf. "12. pretty healthy")



(beauty farm)

Name a well-known beauty you would like to meet at this farm and receive a beauty-pearl



(love field)

An opportunity to enter Orgiasticum (cf. "13. love fields") 




Fathers have to contribute 1 social competence + 1 perseverance (for each child 3 sets)



(bonus for faithfulness)

If you have more than one child with the same partner, you will receive 1 perseverance-pearl for each child (cf. "17. bonus for faithfulness")




Taking a break until it is your turn again you may prepare for founding a nest. In this case you and a partner of your choice will receive 2 perseverance-pearls each




Draw a destiny-card. Read it out and act on it! (cf. "14. destiny")



(finding your track)

Cast the dice one more time! Move as many steps in the direction of your choice!



(love field)

An opportunity to enter Orgiasticum (cf. "13. love fields")